Gray Facepainting and Arts

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About Beth

Hi, my name is Beth Gray and I’m the owner of Gray Facepainting and Arts. My face painting passion was born when I was gifted some Snazaroo face paint and started experimenting with it on friends, family members and most of all, much to her pleasure, my daughter. As time went on, my skills, kit and designs expanded, as did my willing models. And so my business was born, and I’ve been kept busy painting everything ranging from kids birthday parties, christenings, festivals, Halloween makeups to pregnancy bumps.

But it didn’t stop there...

I’ve always painted and enjoyed creating art, so when my daughter was born I decorated the walls of her nursery with painted animals. This is when I realised I could be sharing my wall murals further afield, whether for a child, adult or for a commercial business. Since then I have completed over 30 murals ranging from 2ft up to 20ft, from bedroom walls to the side of buildings and even a burger van. My latest commissions include vehicle and boat paintings.

I don’t limit myself to these two areas, I’ve also completed 20 abstract nude portraits and many other commissions. I am always open to enquiries on artistic requests and encourage you to contact me should you have something in mind.

Please get in touch with me via social media, or phone 07541 207238 to book in your art request today!

Phone: 07541 207238

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